Multidisciplinaire Sim Tox

OLVG cursus

30 maart en 21 april 2020
OLVG Amsterdam

Tijdens de cursus wordt je toxicologie kennis opgefrist. Daarnaast wordt middels scenariotraining uitvoerig geoefend met het opstellen van een toxicologische differentiaaldiagnose en het behandelen van kritiek zieke patiënten. Tevens zijn er workshops ter verdieping van de kennis. Daarnaast is er ruimte om eigen casuïstiek te bespreken.


Accreditatie is toegekend door:

  • Nederlandse Internisten Vereniging (NIV): 11 punten
  • Nederlandse Vereniging van Spoedeisende Hulp Artsen (NVSHA): 12 punten


  • Prof. Naren Gunja, Emergency Physician, Westmead Hospital, Clinical & Forensic Toxicologist, Sydney Australia
  • Prof. Andis Graudins, Emergency Physician, Monash Medical Centre, Clinical Toxicologist, Melbourne Australia
  • Sean Scott, MBBS FACEM FCICM, Emergency Physician, Intensive Care Physician, OLVG Amsterdam
  • Femke Geijsel, FACEM FRCEM, Emergency Physician, OLVG Amsterdam


Femke Gresnigt, Emergency physician, OLVG Amsterdam
De deelnameprijs bedraagt € 950,00.


Tijdens de SimToxNL cursus gaan we 4 verschillende patienten behandelen met de volgende symptomen:

  1. Coma
  2. Convulsies
  3. Aritmie (bradycardie of tachycardie)
  4. Cardiotoxische shock

Het is de bedoeling dat je je hierop voorbereid. Websites:

Femke Gresnigt

I am an emergency physician trained at the JBZ hospital in ‘s-Hertogenbosch. After working 7 months in Brighton, England and a long holiday travelling the world, I started working at the OLVG hospital in Amsterdam in 2012. Since then my interest in toxicology has grown with a special interest in TCA, cardiotoxic and drug poisoning. When I was a board member of the NVSHA responsible for setting up the new national training program, I initiated the toxicology section and toxicology course. Currently I am president of the Dutch multidisciplinary clinical toxicology platform (GIF) and developing a toxicology expert center at OLVG. Recently I started my PhD on acute cardiovascular complications of drugs of abuse at the UMC Utrecht and a masters ‘medical toxicology’ at the Colombo university, Sri Lanka. With all these efforts and this SimToxNL course I hope to contribute to the care for toxicology patients. I am confident this is going to be a valuable course to contribute to this goal and hope to see many of you there!

Sean Scott

I’m a part time emergency physician, part time intensivist and full time itinerant medic. Although Australian by birth I have spent about as much time overseas as I have in Australia. My medical and specialty training in Australia were punctuated by extended periods in Sri Lanka, Italy, London and Lesotho.

I pride myself on having seen an extremely varied spectrum of critical care medicine from aeromedical retreival in rural Africa to total artificial hearts and ECMO CPR in a quaternary transplant centre. I have a passion for medical education, critical care ultrasound and international emergency medicine.

Andis Graudins

  • Clinical toxicologist and emergency physician at Monash Health in Melbourne, Australia
  • Director of Monash Toxicology unit
  • Clinical Toxicologist with Victorian and NSW Poisons Information Centres
  • Chair of the Monash Emergency research collaborative
  • Clinical researcher in clinical toxicology with interests in paracetamol poisoning and treatment of cardiovascular drug intoxication for over 20 years
  • Over 25 years experience as a clinical toxicologist
  • Passionate about training next generation clinicians in clinical toxicology.

Naren Gunja

Dr Naren Gunja is an emergency physician and toxicologist at Western Sydney Health managing two toxicology units caring for around 1000 patients per year. He has published extensively in clinical toxicology and has been site investigator for several regional and international toxicovigilance studies. He has a masters degree in forensic toxicology and is clinical associate professor at Sydney Medical school teaching pharmacology and toxicology.

Femke Geijsel

Femke Geijsel, FACEM, FRCEM, SEH-arts KNMG Opgeleid in Emergency Medicine in Australasia, inclusief een fellowship Simulatie, ben ik nu al weer een aantal jaar terug in Nederland waar ik met veel plezier in het OLVG werk en betrokken ben bij de opleiding en allerlei opleidingsactiviteiten. Zo zijn we in 2017 begonnen met het Fellowship SEG. Buiten het OLVG doe ik graag allerlei projecten met betrekking tot SEG en opleiden. EM-Masterclass is hier een voorbeeld van, waar we in 15 weken SEH artsen KNMG een enorme groei laten doormaken op medisch inhoudelijk vlak en in specialistisch denken. Ik heb veel zin in de SimTox cursus, op specialistisch niveau simulaties doen is een enorme uitdaging en ontzettend leuk en waardevol.